
Teeny route system for PHP Teeny route system for JavaScript (Node.js) Teeny route system for Golang Teeny route system for Python

Teeny route system for PHP

Teeny is a micro-route system that is really micro, supports PHP 5.3 to PHP 8, is extremely simple and ready to use.

Install using composer

For create your project use:

composer create-project inphinit/teeny <project name>

Replace <project name> by your project name, for exemple, if want create your project with “blog” name (folder name), use:

composer create-project inphinit/teeny blog

Download without composer

If is not using composer try direct download from https://github.com/inphinit/teeny/releases

Apache (.htaccess)

The .htaccess will only need some adjustment if you are using it in a subfolder, you will need to change all ErrorDocument. See more details in https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/custom-error.html.

If the address is something like https://<domain>/, then do:

ErrorDocument 403 /index.php/RESERVED.TEENY-403.html
ErrorDocument 500 /index.php/RESERVED.TEENY-500.html
ErrorDocument 501 /index.php/RESERVED.TEENY-501.html

If the address is something like https://<domain>/foo/, then do:

ErrorDocument 403 /foo/index.php/RESERVED.TEENY-403.html
ErrorDocument 500 /foo/index.php/RESERVED.TEENY-500.html
ErrorDocument 501 /foo/index.php/RESERVED.TEENY-501.html

If the address is something like https://<domain>/foo/bar/, then do:

ErrorDocument 403 /foo/bar/index.php/RESERVED.TEENY-403.html
ErrorDocument 500 /foo/bar/index.php/RESERVED.TEENY-500.html
ErrorDocument 501 /foo/bar/index.php/RESERVED.TEENY-501.html


For NGINX you can use try_files in Nginx. See a example:

location / {
    root /home/foo/bar/teeny;

    # Redirect page errors to route system
    error_page 403 /index.php/RESERVED.TEENY-403.html;
    error_page 500 /index.php/RESERVED.TEENY-500.html;
    error_page 501 /index.php/RESERVED.TEENY-501.html;

    try_files /public$uri /index.php?$query_string;

    location = / {
        try_files $uri /index.php?$query_string;

    location ~ /\. {
        try_files /index.php$uri /index.php?$query_string;

    location ~ \.php$ {
        # Replace by your FPM or FastCGI

        fastcgi_index index.php;
        include fastcgi_params;

        set $teeny_suffix "";

        if ($uri != "/index.php") {
            set $teeny_suffix "/public";

        fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $realpath_root$teeny_suffix$fastcgi_script_name;

Note: For FPM use fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php/php<version>-fpm.sock (replace <version> by PHP version in your server)

Built-in web server

You can use built-in server to facilitate the development, Teeny provides the relative static files, which will facilitate the use, example of use (navigate to project folder using cd command):

php -S localhost:8080 index.php

You can edit the server.bat (Windows) or server (Linux or macOS) files to make it easier to start the project with a simple command

Windows (server.bat file)

Configure the server.bat variables according to your environment:

set PHP_BIN=C:\php\php.exe
set PHP_INI=C:\php\php.ini

set HOST_HOST=localhost
set HOST_PORT=9000

Once configured, you can navigate to the project folder and run the command that will start built-in server, see an example:

cd c:\projets\blog

Linux and macOS (server file)

Configure the ./server variables according to your environment:



Once configured, you can navigate to the project folder and run the command that will start built-in server, see an example:

cd ~/projets/blog


Methods from Teeny class

Method Description
Teeny::path(): string Get current path from URL (ignores subfolders if it is located in a subfolder on your webserver)
Teeny::status([int $code]): int Get or set HTTP status
Teeny::action(mixed $methods, string $path, mixed $callback): void Add or remove or update a route, supports functions, closures and paths to PHP scripts
Teeny::handlerCodes(array $codes, mixed $callback): int Detect if SAPI or script change HTTP status
Teeny::setPattern(string $pattern, mixed $regex): void Add or replace a pattern for custom routes, like /foo/<variable1:pattern>
Teeny::exec(): bool Execute defined route

Add and remove routes

For create a new route in index.php put like this:

$app->action('GET', '/myroute', function () {
    echo 'Test!';

You can use return:

$app->action('GET', '/myroute', function () {
    return 'Test!';

For remove a route use null value, like this:

$app->action('GET', '/myroute', null);

Route include file

For include a file uses like this:

$app->action('GET', '/myroute', 'foo/bar/test.php');

If foo/bar/test.php not found in project will display the following error:

Warning: require(foo/bar/test.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/user/blog/vendor/teeny.php on line 156

Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required 'foo/bar/test.php' (include_path='.') /home/user/blog/vendor/teeny.php on line 156

HTTP status

For retrieve HTTP status from SAPI (Apache, Ngnix, IIS) or previously defined in the script itself use like this:

$var = $app->status();

For retrieve into a route use like this:

$app->action('GET', '/myroute', function () use ($app) {
    echo 'HTTP status: ', $app->status();

For set a new HTTP status use like this (eg.: emit 404 Not Found):


For set into route use like this (a example with condition/if):

$app->action('GET', '/report', function () use ($app) {
    $file = 'data/foo.csv';

    if (is_file($file)) {
        header('Content-Type: text/csv');
         * Note: this is just an example, about sending a file,
         * if possible use "X-Sendfile" or equivalent
    } else {

        echo 'Report not found';

Named params in route

You can use params like this:

$app->action('GET', '/user/<user>', function ($params) {

If access a URL like this http://mywebsite/user/mary returns:

array(2) {
  string(3) "mary"

Another example:

$app->action('GET', '/article/<name>-<id>', function ($params) use ($app) {
    // Only ID numerics are valids
    if (ctype_digit($params['id'])) {
        echo 'Article ID: ', $params['id'], '<br>';
        echo 'Article name: ', $params['name'];
    } else {

        echo 'Invalid URL';

If access a URL like this http://mywebsite/article/mary-1000 returns:

Article ID: mary
Article name: 1000

Supported types for named parameters in routes

An example, only numeric id are valids:

$app->action('GET', '/article/<name>-<id:num>', function ($params) {
    echo 'Article ID: ', $params['id'], '<br>';
    echo 'Article name: ', $params['name'];
Type Example Description
alnum $app->action('GET', '/baz/<video:alnum>', ...); Only accepts parameters with alpha-numeric format and $params returns array( video => ...)
alpha $app->action('GET', '/foo/bar/<name:alpha>', ...); Only accepts parameters with alpha format and $params returns array( name => ...)
decimal $app->action('GET', '/baz/<price:decimal>', ...); Only accepts parameters with decimal format and $params returns array( price => ...)
num $app->action('GET', '/foo/<id:num>', ...); Only accepts parameters with integer format and $params returns array( id => ...)
nospace $app->action('GET', '/foo/<nospace:nospace>', ...); Accepts any characters expcet spaces, like white-spaces (%20), tabs (%0A) and others (see about \S in regex)
uuid $app->action('GET', '/bar/<barcode:alnum>', ...); Only accepts parameters with uuid format and $params returns array( barcode => ...)
version $app->action('GET', '/baz/<api:version>', ...); Only accepts parameters with semversion (v2) format and $params returns array( api => ...)

For add new patterns use like this Teeny::setPattern(), examples:

$app->setPattern('example', '[A-Z]\d+');

$app->action('GET', '/custom/<myexample:example>', function ($params) use ($app) {
    echo '<h1>custom pattern</h1>';
    echo '<pre>';
    echo '</pre>';

And for access this route exemple use http://mysite/test/A00001 or http://mysite/test/C02, start with upper-case letter and after width a integer number

Dealing with large files

To work with large files you can choose to use the following server modules:

Module Server Documentation
X-Sendfile Apache https://tn123.org/mod_xsendfile/
X-Accel-Redirect NGINX https://www.nginx.com/resources/wiki/start/topics/examples/x-accel/
X-LIGHTTPD-send-file and X-Sendfile2 Lighttpd https://redmine.lighttpd.net/projects/1/wiki/X-LIGHTTPD-send-file

A simple implementation:

$software = $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'];
$send = null;

if (stripos($software, 'apache') !== false) {
    $send = 'X-Sendfile';
} else if (stripos($software, 'nginx') !== false) {
    $send = 'X-Accel-Redirect';
} else if (stripos($software, 'lighttpd') !== false) {
    $send = 'X-LIGHTTPD-send-file';

$app->action('GET', '/download', function () use ($sendHeader) {
    $file = '/protected/iso.img';

    if ($send) {
        header($send . ': ' . $file);

    if ($handle = fopen($file, 'r')) {
        return 'Failed to read file';

    // fallback (this is just an example)
    $length = 2097152;

    header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="iso.img"');
    header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($file));

    while (!feof($handle)) {
        echo fgets($handle, $length);


Serving public files (and scripts)

To serve public files (or scripts) you must add them to the public folder. The prefix /public/* will not be displayed in the URL, for example, if there is a file like public/foobar.html, then the user will simply access the address https://<domain>/foobar.html.

Subfolders will also work, if it has a file like public/foo/bar/baz/video.webm then the user should go to https://<domain>/foo/bar/baz/video.webm.

You can add PHP scripts, and they will be executed normally, if you have a script like public/sample/helloworld.php, just access https://<domain>/sample/helloworld.php

If you want to make a blog available, such as Wordpress, you must also place it inside the folder, an example of structure:

├─── .htaccess
├─── index.php
├─── composer.json
├─── vendor/
└─── public/
     ├─── helloword.html
     └─── blog/
          ├─── .htaccess
          ├─── index.php
          ├─── wp-activate.php
          ├─── wp-blog-header.php
          ├─── wp-comments-post.php
          ├─── wp-config-sample.php
          ├─── wp-config.php
          ├─── wp-cron.php
          ├─── wp-links-opml.php
          ├─── wp-load.php
          ├─── wp-login.php
          ├─── wp-mail.php
          ├─── wp-settings.php
          ├─── wp-signup.php
          ├─── wp-trackback.php
          ├─── xmlrpc.php
          ├─── wp-admin/
          ├─── wp-content/
          └─── wp-includes/

And then just access https://<domain>/blog/. Other samples:

If you need more features you can experience the Inphinit PHP framework: https://inphinit.github.io